Discover the unique

We have it all – except for the sea. And it is precisely this wealth of diversity in such a small space that makes Switzerland so special. There is a great deal more than delicious cheese and exquisite chocolate to discover. Explore the country with your eyes and your ears open, and you will be richly rewarded.

Swiss people share a common love of quality, combined with a dedication to traditional values. Switzerland is well known for its accuracy and cleanliness, as well as a certain reticence. We take things easy – sometimes, less is more.


The country of lakes and mountains

Switzerland is dominated by the Alps – the world-renowned Matterhorn is just one of the 48 peaks in the country above 4,000 metres in height. But Switzerland is also a country of lakes, and Lake Constance in the corner that borders on both Germany and Austria is one of the biggest of the 1,500 or so in total.

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Direct democracy

In Switzerland, the people have the last word. There is almost no other country in the world where the people’s democratic rights extend anywhere near as far as they do here. Yet still you will sometimes hear them referring to “those at the top” – that is the government and the parliament in Bern.

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Bearing witness

The history of Switzerland is fascinating and can be experienced in many different ways to this day – in castles and fortresses or in the St.Gallen Abbey District which, with its baroque cathedral and world-renowned library, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

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Precious fabrics

The textile industry has always played a special role in Switzerland, and in Eastern Switzerland, it was once the biggest branch of industry, supporting thousands of families. Today, Switzerland focuses its efforts on high-quality products.

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The sweet side

While Switzerland sends its famous first-class quality chocolate all over the world, a lot of it is eaten here too – more than 11 kilograms per person per year.

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