
100 g day-old white bread (crusts removed)
1½ tbsp rosemary
500 g minced meat (beef, veal and pork)
1 egg
1 tbsp cream
1 tbsp Appenzeller Alpenbitter
1 tbsp mustard
1¼ tsp salt
un peu freshly ground pepper
Clarified butter for browning
1 dl white wine
½ dl water
½ dl Appenzeller Alpenbitter
A few juniper berriese



Chop bread as finely as possible, set aside approx. one third. Chop rosemary very finely.

In a bowl, mix the bread with all other ingredients up to and including the mustard, season. Knead thoroughly by hand. Shape meatloaf, cover with reserved bread and press in carefully.

Heat clarified butter in roasting pan. Brown the meatloaf on a medium heat on all sides for approx. 10 min. Add wine, water and Appenzeller Alpenbitter and bring to the boil. Crush juniper berries and add, cover and simmer on a low heat for approx. 40 min., occasionally pouring over sauce. Remove meatloaf and slice, sieving sauce if necessary.

Serve with spätzli.