
8 lemon sole fillets, skinned (approx. 70 g)
¾ tbsp mustard
1 organic lemon
1 tbsp thyme leaves
½ tsp salt
4 dl fish stock
½ dl Appenzeller Alpenbitter
500 g leek
1 tbsp butter
½ dl cream
1 tbsp Appenzeller Alpenbitter
½ packet of saffron
Salt and pepper to taste



Lay out fish fillets silver side up, cover with mustard, grate over a little lemon peel, spread thyme leaves over fillets, salt. Tightly roll up fish fillets and cut in half.

Bring fish stock to the boil in a wide pan, add 50 ml Appenzeller Alpenbitter, reduce heat. Add fish, cover and simmer on a low heat for approx. 8 min. Remove fish, cover and keep warm. Boil down stock to approx. 75 ml and sieve.

Halve or quarter leeks depending on thickness and cut into approx. 5 cm long pieces. Sauté leeks in butter for approx. 5 min. Pour over stock, cream and 1 tbsp Appenzeller Alpenbitter, add saffron, cover and simmer for a further 5 min. or so until soft, season. Place fish rolls on top.

Serve with plain rice.